
Tips for Securing Your Home While Traveling

Thanks to COVID-19 and all the hardships the pandemic brought with it, homeowners all over the nation are in more need of a vacation now than ever.

Before you book a ticket to a tropical island or a snow-capped mountain, it’s important to make sure your home will be safe and secure so you can simply focus on relaxing. .

Not to mention, since home prices are extrememly high in today’s market, it’s important to keep the property undamaged so you’ll be able to sell for the best possible price. Letting buglars into your property while away may result in expensive proerty damage that could dock hundreds of your asking price.

Keep reading for some of the best methods to keep your home safe duing your next getaway!

Secure all your entry points in and out of your property 

While this may seem like an obvious suggestion, in reality thieves are more opportunistic than devious. Unlocked doors and entry points are the way most thieves access your home, so you’ll want to check, double check, and triple check each door, window, or gate of your property. 

Set a reminder in your calendar right before you leave to check each and every entry point — even those on upper levels. Don’t forget the garage door, as they are easy to miss when you’re in a rush to the airport. Check your garage door at least 1-2 days before your trip. If you see your garage door is damaged contact a garage door installation company to fix and secure the door.

Don’t share your travel plans with the world

We all get excited about our vacation and want to share our plans with the rest of the world. However, bragging about upcoming adventures will do more harm than good. 

If a burglar knows a home will be unoccupied for a certain amount of time, they’ll feel confident in their break-in. Thieves don’t want to be disturbed while attempting to enter a property, so knowing the dates of your vacation will help them tremendously.

Obviously, it’s totally okay to share your vacation plans with your close friends and family. However, try to keep your confidants minimal.

While it’s tempting to post about your trip on social media, this is a big mistake. Oftentimes, thieves are stalking social media looking for vacationers. Posting a photo everyday of your vacation sounds fun, but you’ll be giving burglars the green light to ransack your property.

Once you’re safely back home, feel free to post all about your trip on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter!

Prevent mail from piling up on your doorstep

The best way to prevent burglars is by making sure your home appears occupied at all times. Letting mail and parcels pile up on your front door would be an obvious sign that nobody’s currently residing there. 

If you have a neighbor you trust, simply ask them to stop by once every few days to collect your mail. 

Another great way to keep your mail from piling up would be to simply pause your deliveries. Visit the USPS website to fill out a short form. They’ll keep your mail safe and secure for you until you return. 

Hire a trusted housesitter

The best way to make your property seem occupied? Simply hire someone to occupy it. 

This is a simple solution that offers plenty of benefits. So long as you discuss duties with your housesitter ahead of time, they can water your dying plants, mow the lawn, bring in the mail, and turn lights on and off so the property seems properly occupied. 

If you don’t know anyone who’d be willing to house sit for you, there’s plenty of other ways to feign the appearance that someone is currently staying there. Try leaving some curtains open, setting your lights on a timer, and taking care of any necessary maintenance right before you leave. 


Add a home security system

The best way to keep your home secured? Leave it to the professionals. 

There are basic security systems, which normally include a single camera on your front porch. These systems offer DIY installation and can be monitored right from your smartphone. 

Professionally installed, top-of-the-line security systems are always the best options. While these can be a bit more expensive, they’re well-worth the cost. Best of all, as long as your system is clear and obvious from the outside, burglars won’t even attempt to access your property. 

Here are great recommended systems to keep your property secure during your travels:

  1. Vivint Smart Home
  2. Frontpoint
  3. Link Interactive 
  4. Google Nest
  5. Abode

In addition to keeping your home secure, these systems will also impress buyers and give you an edge when you decide to sell!

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